A type of syndrome that requires one to always be in the vicinity of easily accessible drinking water.

Someone who drinks a lot of water.
‘Oh she’s totally suffering from mermaid syndrome.’ ‘Damn she obsessed with hydration, gotta have mermaid syndrome.’
by Genzwhsiper789 April 22, 2021
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"That is a beautiful green shirt that you are wearing."... "Thank you, it's Mermaid Green".
by Spartanmermaid July 16, 2017
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Mermaid horsey girls are under-water horsey girls. Their horses are seahorses tho.
by gangganggangalangadingdong February 27, 2019
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when a Chad goes to a girls High school sporting event and gets lucky at the event
Scott went to the girls volleyball game left Suzy under the bleachers like a mermaid in a manhole
by bloodmon October 14, 2021
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Any individual who is seemingly perfect and beautiful but upon further dating and observation is found to be a toxic individual.
Yeah dude, I met this girl and she was awesome at first! But then she stole my car... I got mermaided.
by Hog girl February 3, 2020
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mermaids is a group of beautiful girls, no one can surpass them but it’s good to try. we ALL believe in mermaids supremacy !
boy: who are these girls ??

another boy: a groupe of sexy girls named mermaids !
by spicyrosa November 22, 2021
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/ˈmə meɪd/ (noun), mermaiding (intransitive verb)
To repudiate any connection or identification with another (the subject of the mermaiding). Can be expressed non-verbally, through presenting the subject with a GIF depicting King Triton from the Little Mermaid holding a three-pronged weapon, with which he casts a rainbow in bidding farewell.

Mermaiding entails no future contact in any form with the subject. Ideally, you should undergo electro-convulsive therapy or a surgical (or pharmaceutical) lobotomy to erase their existence from your life.

This is a last resort end to all future contact and should not be taken lightly.

In the words of King Triton, 'mermaiding' someone allows you "one less human to worry about" .
by PsychoG1rl March 18, 2018
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