Youth is a South, East, West and North of London sign of their language. A youth can be a Child or a Teenager, usually used in a threatening way.
That youth is hiding a knife in his sock!
by London Design3r August 26, 2019
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Youth refers to the age or condition of being young. It can also mean a teenager, and teens often tend to get into mischief or trouble easily.
Oh to have the energy of a toddler, the optimism of youth, the strength of a young adult, and the wisdom of the elderly at the same time.

The Youth Leader taught his teens about teamwork , appropriate attitude, and kindness to others.
by Simmaniac January 13, 2021
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1) The quality of being young
2) A young person
1) Youth drains away when you become old
2) I'm still a youth
by The local Argentinian guy December 10, 2021
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Biggest team in Gozo. Directed by bozza. Nursery coached by Pep Guardiola. Has the best players in the world, including; Dione Lautier (all time topscorer) , Rixu, Vincent Grech, George Farrugia, Rewrew and Paul Rapa.
1) Int mal-hotspurs?
Le dawk liba up the Youths!
Forza l-Youths!
2) Oratory Youths jirbħu l-kampjonat Għawdxi u jsibu ruħhom fiċ-Champions League.
by Bozzarewrew August 10, 2021
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When a girl swallows your baby juice or takes it on her face.
She’s been complaining that she’s getting older. Then I told her to try a little of my fountain of youth to help “slow down the aging
by MMMagic Man July 25, 2018
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when a person(s) get sprayed with an unreasonably amount of baby cum causing you to have the ability to be young again.
I got sprayed by the fountain of youth at the daycare again!!!
by Mickey mouse Crackhouse April 21, 2022
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