Dear diary, today I looked on the Internet and found that the mortals on urban dictionary were confused as to what a man was. People obsessed with sandwiches? Who belittle the fairer sex? All of these are true of course, but I felt that I could come up with a much more brief definition. Now that I've hopefully enlightened the mortals, I think I'll go out this evening for pleasure, the night is still young!
by The One And Only Dracula November 21, 2013
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A masculine human being, that in his first 9 months of life he tries to get out of the place that he tries to get in the rest of his life
He is not a woman, he is a man! See his adams apple!!
by EfyD December 11, 2011
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A Very, very sexy man with a great sense of humour, known as the Miz.
"Damn, Mike is the IT Man!"
Mike, in this case, and every other case, is Mike the Miz.
by Moonstar2020 August 8, 2017
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He who pisseth against the wall.
- King James Bible, 1 Kings 16:11
King James Bible - 1 Kings 16:11
English Revised Version
And it came to pass, when he began to reign, as soon as he sat on his throne, that he smote all the house of Baasha: he left him not a single man child, neither of his kinsfolks, nor of his friends.
by rxn5678 August 1, 2011
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Any individual or entity in business or government that seeks to make a profit for profits sake without providing a good or service in return. And doing so almost exclusively at the expense of the poor and unrepresented.
"so I was late on a payment for one of my credit cards, and my other 2 credit card companies jacked my interest rate too, even though it had nothing to do with them. Damn the man! and boo corporate greed!"
by C-2the-Mart November 17, 2007
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Commonly used in Melbourne, Australia.
A Manning refers to a man whose sexual orientation is unknown. Most likely derives from ' man-thing ', slang for a transvestite.
" Gus is quite the manning. Never seen him on a date or talking about girls ".

" At parties I like playing the role of manning. It keeps the crowd guessing ".
by Richard Hadlee December 18, 2003
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