An ink-bomb is when one dips his testicles in ink and then proceeds to t-bag their victim, causing their prey's tongue to become black and blue.
My roomates woke up with black and blue tongues because I ink-bombed them while they were sleeping.
by Gorfpurt December 26, 2008
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One who drinks up books! A devout reader. Bookworm
They read so many books, I think their an ink drinker
by Inkdrinker8962 November 23, 2021
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A sexual act in which one partner holds in their urges to urinate for a day or two, and eats and drinks the worst kinds of junk foods and alcohol, conjuring a vigorous bladder storm inside, and when it is finally unbearable, they release their blood coloured piss onto their sexual partner.
1: Hey bro why do you smell so awful?

2: Me and my partner performed the sacred practice of Red Ink Calligraphy, and I didn't have time to shower...
by Paleo-Fecal Investigator March 25, 2020
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The most rare and conserved substance, followed closely in cost by antimatter
I had to print my poster the day it was due so the school library made me pay $2.50 to print a single side in color. That damn printer ink drained my savings account faster than the school desktop took to pull up my document
by noob_chungus_3D October 15, 2022
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something you buy, and it seems like you need it again after 2 minutes
p1: "printer ink is so expensive"
p2: "ikr"
by ihfsdihaoifd September 25, 2021
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"Hey nigga, le me see dem fresh ink of yo's"
"Damn, that bitch's fresh ink is fine..."
by Kush_Did_9/11 November 23, 2015
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A horrific tattoo or rash that you discovered on your body after a long week of partying.
Did you see what Shayna woke up with? I think she got the zinc ink in Rogers truck.
by Mind_surgeon July 3, 2022
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