Shredding some gnar is a form of getting girls and eating their pussy.
"Yo dude lets go shred some gnar at the bar"
"Totally dude"
by Hook It Up March 28, 2016
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The coffee breed of energy drink such as Java Monster. as opposed to the carbonated flavors (commonly referred to as "rock juice"), consumed by musicians who are preparing to shred.
With 20 minutes until show time, the guitarist slammed his shred coffee in less then 10 seconds.
by zenguitar June 15, 2010
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Wicked jacked. Having the most muscles. Absolutely shredded.
Did you see that guy? He is shredded cheddar!
by iamrrh April 11, 2020
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Am insult, used to poke fun of someone.
You’re the worst, Frank. You have such shredded balls.
by bleedbleed January 22, 2021
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Lead, Shredding, Lead Shredding, Shred, Shredder

1) A slang term for firing a weapon, usually a fully automatic.

2) Someone who is immune to bullets, like many main characters in movies, TV shows, ect.
1) "Hey Matt, you in for shredding lead in Gears of War after school?"

2) "Damn... what the hell is up with anime these days? All the central characters just shed the lead and talk shit all episode.
by Led Shredder August 22, 2007
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