It’s for boys that are bad a fortnite
Apex def is the worst game in da world
by Jigsawgaming75 May 22, 2019
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A person that appears to be cool, but not that bright or smart.
Joe is a nice guy. he is hip, but you ask him one question about something complex, he doesn't understand. He's Def and Dumb.
by boggler July 22, 2019
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Something stupid said by people named Tori, it should be pronounce the one on the right
Def Right , it should be I like the one on the right, great job Matt!!
by !@3Whatitis@$$# March 30, 2016
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When a conversation, that on the surface seems to be about an interesting topic, turns in an opposite direction leaving one confused and/or surprised.
" Oh that's interesting that you have 5 kids."
"Yeah, they all have different fathers that reside in 5 different prisons in 5 different states."
"Wow, that went def left."
by Daquan movin bricks December 11, 2015
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Bro 1: Do you see that girl over there?

Bro 2: Yeah, you can tell she's totes def awk.
by IAmBatmanYo March 7, 2012
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a person that is Definitely Rad; an association of Gnarly People; believers of the Rad Harmony Faith; People that are allergic to Lame; Epic Lame-Slayers from Slutty Utah; anyone Awesome;
"Priest Rev. Jonson, Kung-Boo, and the Slutty Martinez Brothers are Def-Radder Lame-Slayers, and the Fathers of Rad Harmony!"

"Def-Radder's do not, or ever will listen to any Usta-Groover"

"That Def-Radder is the Gnarliest Mother Effer I ever Met!"
by Don_Mayhem January 27, 2010
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it saysget the get the get the this def on a mug mug on a mug”, right?
why are you searching “ get the get the this def on a mug mug” on urban dictionary? don’t you have homework due?
by thebananaman March 3, 2023
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