When you jerk off and bust your load into the toilet and flush it.
They call me Poseidon because I'd be making mermaids, I'm king of Atlantis!
by Daddy Genki January 19, 2021
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Colloquialism for "this/that doesn't make any sense"
Jordan be pouring a mermaid into the void tryn'a explain modernism to his 9-year-old.
by carnefox October 9, 2020
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When someone teases to say a revealing secret and decides to play it our/milk it for a very long time, just to be the most disappointing think ever in the history of man kind.
Mermaid Man’s Suspense:
Omar: I like these two girls, wanna know who they are?
Gungalar Boy: Yes dude, who are they...tell us.

Omar: I don’t know, just these girls.
Gungalar The Third: WHOOO
Omar: I don’t know some chicks
.....3 & half hours later
Omar: Okay fine, I actually don’t like anyone, no one really interest me right now.
Gungalar The Great: *Pulls trigger*
by April 6, 2019
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When 2 dudes ejaculate into the ears of a girl who is sitting poolside and then shove her under the water so the semen starts to rise out of her ears and appears as smoke.
The way the semen came out of her ears when she was under the water made her look like an angry mermaid!
by Monster Kyle October 6, 2022
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Ratchet ass trashy ass no classy ass thirty ass bitch or manbitch a mitch
That woman is a pure bread sewer mermaid aka a peice of horse shit right out a horses ass.
by Heaven Lii October 1, 2021
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It's a bit surprising, then, that there is such a long and rich history of Hoosier cryptids. indiana mud mermaid
by Icantthunkifauswrnamw May 18, 2023
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