A Dicky Blob is someone that doesn't engage their brain before acting.
You don't do it like that, Dicky Blob. You do it like this.
by Shuttstheone March 20, 2018
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The act of dropping semen out of a pipette onto another persons face.
Maybe try spice up your marriage with some blobbing.
by LucasTheMucas April 28, 2021
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When come drips out of the vag after it has been filled
You haven't had sex in a while you shot so much come inside me I am blobbing now
by Markim March 13, 2018
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“Oh Blob gave Jason and Nico a Blob Job”
by nanalover123 October 2, 2019
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Someone who is a cheapskate on a date.
"OMG I went on a date with a seal and I had to buy the chips."
"Wow what a flubber blob."
by ThePerfect10 January 2, 2017
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Helping buffer or sb one can pour his or her shit or problems and then just go away as if that person is unimportant and insignificant. And then come back and do the same.
I am not your help blob.. ( Trying " series, UK)
by Notoriousbookworm July 7, 2021
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1 A fart causing an accidental release of excrement.
2 A stupid or annoying person.
The new boss is a right blob fart.
by ThePillenwerfer July 26, 2023
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