The person in your office who always be taking all the free shit! Every time we get a sample in before we even say that were giving it away ''I WANT THAT! ILL TAKE THAT!'' STFU!!!!! nobody likes you, you fuckin vulture!
A vulture is Whenever you have free shit to give away they already have it in there home before you have the chance to even fucking look at it!
by Billybobbillybobby August 21, 2008
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A person who takes advantage of friends.
"Why do you wanna still be friends with that person when you know they are a vulture?"
by Yelski July 30, 2006
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Someone who picks up all the drunk girls at a club. Like a vulture they circle around trying to find a girl who is trashed and then swoops in and tries to pick her up.
That guys a fuckin vulture!

Im going to be a vulture tonight.
by meh March 26, 2005
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V. To show up uninvited when a group of people are smoking up, and wait around trying to get a hit.

N. One who vultures.
God, Nick is such a vulture, we ran into him last week in the woods and he just stood around hoping we'd take pity.
by g_dylan October 29, 2010
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Vulturize, to snatch something up or taking things in a malicious, bitchy, or mean way.
You vulturized my potential client, I wish I could hit you in the face.
by The Vulturizer March 9, 2012
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The act of driving around a parking lot looking for people who are walking to their cars to get their parking space.
I am vulturing around this lot. Look there's someone who's leaving! Quick, after them!
by wibbit42 February 20, 2009
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verb describing someone who waits to reap the benefits of someone else's labors.
"That man vultured behind Mary until she left so he could pick up anything she left behind.
by disneydude May 17, 2010
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