Dictator is a dude with a penis small as a tator tot
you can totally tell that dude be a dictator

Jen told me Keith has a dictator yuck! No girl be trying to get with that.
by WeBee Is the handle October 12, 2020
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to dictate a country;

not to be confused with "dicktatoring", which means something entirely different.
Kim Il-sung is dictatoring North Korea;

Hitler dictatored Germany;

History teaches us that sooner or later, every dictatored society falls;
by t.nu April 4, 2012
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A narcissistic, abusive person (almost always a male) who must always impose his will, and doesn't know compromise. A dictator does not have to be a ruler of a nation, he could be your father, your husband, your boss, and often your child.
Hassan: "Mubarak's not the only dictator in Egypt..."
Ammar: "Definitely not, you should see my 5 year old!"
by youngstudd January 29, 2011
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1. Any head of state or a popular movement that does not allow Western Imperialists to rape and pillage his or her country, provides adequate healthcare and education, doesn't offer up their people was sweatshop labor, does not fall into the embrace of the IMF, Worldbank, WTO and serves the wrong national interest, that of the people of his or her nation as opposed to those of Western multinational corporations.
Alexandre Lukashenko is a dictator because people in Belarus aren't starving and illiterate in the name of the corporate defined "free" market, while Islam Karimov in Uzbekistan, who boils political opponents alive and imprisons their mothers, is a man of democracy.
by dave March 23, 2005
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to recite information verbally.
Buckwheat: "Hey Darla, how did alfalfa's dictate last night?"
by God Damned Finkelstien Shit Kid September 26, 2003
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A man that walks around with a potato on his dick. ie) Chuck Norris
No one can prove that Chuck Norris is a dictator because all who look at him get roundhouse kicked into oblivion.
by Kristofolis March 15, 2006
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