there was this viagra commercial
the old dude looked like Bill Nye
Person A:Hey dude, guess what?
Person B:What?
Person A:I was watching a Viagra commercial and guess who i saw?
Person B:Who?
Person A:Bill Nye the Boner Guy
by JakkoffTakeshit March 26, 2012
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A show on PBS that tries to make science fun. The titular science guy is a big fan of chemistry, biology, physics, geology, and pretty much all science barring social science. A show that you don't appreciate the value of until you get to watch it in school.
Without doubt, Bill Nye the Science Guy is the most fun part about science class. There's nothing like taking a break from writing down notes and just sitting back and watching Bill Nye. Even if you don't find it entertaining, hey, it's a movie.
by Syckls October 12, 2005
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Bill Nye The Russian Spy refers to the covert identity of the children's television show host Bill Nye. Bill Nye was born Bogdan Nikolaev to Russians Elena and Janko in 1955. At just twelve years old, Bogdan was at the top of his class and was therefore forced to join the KGB academy. Upon his graduation from the KGB academy in 1975, it was decided Bogdan's talents would be best used to turn the American youth against their leaders. Bogdan defected to the West with his secret mission and Americanized his name to Bill Nye in 1977. Bogdan held odd jobs while working toward making a television show: the best medium to reach the lazy American youth. Bogdan was trained in

the subtle art of backwards speaking and subliminal messaging in the KGB academy, episodes of his show contain hidden messages when played backwards such as “Communism rules” and “Failure is a property of capitalism”. Studies have shown that watching Bill Nye The Science Guy creates radical ideas like disbanding the free market and living off of potatoes and vodka. Unfortunately, a CIA training class was rewinding an episode of Bill Nye when they discovered his secret backwards talking mind control technique in 1997. Bogdan threatened to let slip that the then 1st lady was secretly bi-sexual, so it was agreed that Bogdan would end the show in 1998 and refrain from making manipulative films while living free in the United States. To this day, all of Bogdan’s programs are reverse checked by the CIA.
"Bro, let's blaze up to Bill Nye the Science Guy."
"Totally, but he's actually a Russian spy, Bill Nye The Russian Spy."
by B-radicalman October 10, 2021
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A comedic scientist that stars on Disney. He explains science to a younger audience of people. While at the same time informing he makes sure not to get boring by telling jokes.
by Marioandluigiclan March 24, 2015
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A nazi spy working for Adolf Hitler to try to kill jews. This man is terrible, he uses fake facts about him working for Russian spy’s. He sang “Bill Nye the Russian Spy!”
Bill Nye the Nazi spy! Bill Bill Bill Bill, Nazis Rule!”
by Nazi spy October 22, 2017
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