Thanks For Sharing

There are many posts declaring TFS is meant ironically or in another negative way, but this is certainly not the case. Any ironic expression of TFS or any other meaning only result if the main text of a message makes it that way. For itself, TFS is simply "Thanks For Sharing".
The pictures you sent me are really interesting. TFS
by thomawhack January 22, 2015
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Slang for "the fuck?!?!??!" Use this when you are confused. It's shorter to say tf than wtf because the w takes too long to type for some of you lazy asses.
*on messages*
Dave: sup bitch
Dave's mom: tf

"what tf is up"
by your depression June 13, 2020
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That/this fucking sucks
Friend: my ex texted me "I love you", i bet it was for her new bf... our first names the same.

You: Shit, TFS.
by p-mag February 21, 2011
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TF stands for 'Teenforumz', a forum for teenagers to get advice on any problem they have.

TF was made by a couple from the UK, but was sold onto new owners in 2011.

The current admins are: Capitan, Bryant and David-.
Manson was on TF all night talking to Starry.
by 854129603TTT January 7, 2012
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Wanna get wasted? TF

Damn, that girl is TF

TFB That's fine, boys
by wdm Poker November 15, 2011
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Titty Fuck. It means Titty Fuck.
"That brunette over there is just begging for a good TF, wouldn't you say"
by t. November 27, 2003
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