"ou this picture of me is rough"

when posted on facebook, they would put the caption as temp.
by 9103890534y5932 May 12, 2011
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someone who joins a gym temperately , they join the gym but only workout for a month, or they are just noobs and don't know how to workout.

Tori and Danielle: Hey Dave, your so ripped! I want you in my pants!
Dave: Quiet Temp!
by dave kadden April 10, 2008
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Tracking basal body temperature. One part of the FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) of birth control.
I bought my basal body thermometer and I’m going to start temping every morning!
by K. Bon July 1, 2020
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Short for "temperate;" used to talk about something you passively enjoy, like something you vibe with or something chill. Can be further shortened to "tem" if you're that lazy.
"Danny how you feel?" "I'm feeling pretty temp man can't complain"
"Is that Lisa dancing over there? Her moves are lowkey temp"
by civ123 January 31, 2021
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A person who due to their own personal defects,drug usage,being lazy, lack of any job related skills,stupidity is always working for a temp agency.
Who got the machine all backed up?
Oh that dumbass temp over there.
by Baby Gorilla May 28, 2006
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Short for temperate.
Temperate is a mix of hot and cool.
Basically, it's an adjective for something that's/who's hot and cool.
"Dude she's hot."
"And cool, dude."
"Dude, she's like both, what would that be?"
"Dude, she's like temperate."
"Yeah...Damn she's temp."

"Did you see that guy, he was sooooo temp!"
by M. Hick May 15, 2007
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derived from tempo, as in to raise the tempo, temps is a word relating the group consensus with regard to an evening out on the town fuelled by alcohol. The reasons for going out can be threefold, 1:to catch tasty fresh, 2: to "duck under" or simply 3: to get rocked. In conclusion Temps is a shortened version of "are we goin out?"
Jackal A to Jackal B: "any temps tonight?"
Jackal B to Jackal A: "why certiainly young sir, i think the ubiquity of fresh ducks at the pond a.k.a. RoadHouse, is to good an opportunity to pass up...?"
Jackal A to Jackal B: "Jackaal, jackaal jackaaaaal, jackal jackal jackaaal ja-a-ckaaaaaal......domskoy"
by Canary July 8, 2003
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