A word used in slang for describing sex.
Example: "I'd have sex with her"
With the slang: "I'd stove her"
by Timmey'O'Tewl March 20, 2004
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"Hey man, let's cruise in your stove, mine has a flat tire, and I got my mini spare on the other side already" .
by cobbycobb April 12, 2021
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eh cod me ah prick so ah stoved his heed in way a boatel eh buc
by David Inch May 29, 2005
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The term used to describe the movement of an object that moves accross anything.
Look! It's William, look at the way he stoves accross the street.
by Jared G. January 30, 2005
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Cigarette: Northern slang for a cigarette, used oft by mashed up mancunian ravers becasue of the resemblance of a hot(electric)stove to the end of a lit cigarette. Originated circa 1991 in the early halcyon days of the rave culture; we speculate during a drug fuelled hallucination by said manc.
'fuck me noel, i am bolloxed, is that a ciggy in your mouth, or the stove from me 'nans kitchen'/
General use: 'Give us a stove you cunt'
by anthony willison March 18, 2004
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Big Mike said he had to go home because because his mother “left the stove on.” In reality, he trusted a fart and it let him down. He wasn’t mad at the fart, just disappointed. He later admitted to stoveing his pants
by Rich Selfie January 18, 2019
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something that ONLY women should use, to make delicious food
Women don't need watches because there is a clock above the stove where they work and were no guys work.
by farkwad gorilla April 7, 2009
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