In America, we have Trojans.
In Canada, they have Spartans.
by ahhdammit November 9, 2010
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An inconsistent and underachieving football team from East Lansing, Michigan. They are marked by a mascot with a giant head and an inferiority complex expressed through their hatred for the University of Michigan. A typical spartan will jeer and trash-talk before the Michigan-MSU game and, win or lose, burn a couch or two; riot; and trash-talk after the game.

The females of the species can be identified by a pleasing-to-the-eye countenance, but a very limited vocabulary and understanding of basic social skills. The males are unkempt, wearing either school colors (white and green) or t-shirts bearing cartoon images of large-breasted women and drunk men peeing. They generally smell of alcohol and have difficulty forming complete sentences.
MSU fan: "Michigan sucks, dude!"
Michigan fan: "But Michigan just beat the spartans convincingly."
MSU fan: "Yeah, but Michigan still sucks, dude!"
Michigan fan: "The spartan coaching staff did not make adequate in-game adjustments to Michigan's running game."
MSU fan: "Whatever dude. Michigan sucks and I'm burning a couch."
Michigan fan: *shakes head and walks away dumbfounded*
by sec fan October 5, 2005
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Whilst receving head, and about to reach ejaculation the male backs out, grabbing his swollen appendage.

Simultaneously he stomps the wide-eye surprised female square between her breasts while releasing his load raining over the her as he roars THIS IS SPARTA!
911 Dispatcher: Hello?
Citizen: There is an unconscious woman here who has received repeated blows in the chest and is sprinkled in vanilla icing?!
911 Dispatcher: Sounds like she just received The Spartan. Follow up with some Asian Goggles then a Clevland Steamer and she should come around.
by rzu June 9, 2010
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A group of Irish kilcoolers that fuck with the scooter kids who now have bikes. Members ft:cormac,Django,Ronan,Alex,and Marc. Also consist of executives and members of
Oh shit here comes "the Spartans"

Let's scoot away "the Spartans" are coming
by Balmain Bukake December 13, 2017
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when an incident of absolute awesomeness occurs right before your very eyes
bob: yo did you see the queen headbutt tony blair?
geldof: no i missed that!
bob: man that was spartan!
geldof: i need a poo
by leebay April 17, 2007
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A player or supporter of Blyth Spartans, the North East's premier non-league football team (soccer for all you who believe that football involves wearing huge amounts of padding and armour and throwing the ball)

Blyth Spartans got to the 5th round of the FA Cup in 1978, a feat since equalled, but never beaten. Now in the "Conference North" , they are the highest placed team in the North east of England's non league pyramid.

Chants of "Harry Dunn's green and white army" and "we are Blyth, we are Blyth, we are Blyyyyyyth" often accompany the Spartan army in their travels around the country.

Local rivals include cock knockers Gateshead, who are supported by a bunch of wannabe mackems south of the River Tyne.
"Come on Spartans", "Hawaaaaaay Spartans" or just "Hawaaaaay Blyth"
by Dowager Duchess of Newsham October 2, 2006
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sexy; beyond sexy; total eye candy; genetic perfection
wow he/she is spartan
dammn he/she was spartan
whoa! spartan over there!
by lililili December 26, 2006
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