Doing work for someone for little or no pay.
If it was not for slavery black people would not even be is the usa.
No one went and stole them from there home.
They were sold into slavery by there own people.
It is not because of slavey that black people can only excel at sports,slavery has been overwith for 150 years.
by Erinthegreat October 3, 2006
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Are you serious? slavery is the worst national crime ever comitted by any country, especially the USA. Its horriffic nature and clear cut expulsion of civil liberties is undeniably shameful.
if it wasnt for slavery black people would excel at everything, not just sports.
by saves the day May 3, 2005
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Slavery of blacks in the Americas originated from Islam. Who do you think captured and sold the African blacks into slavery? Muslims slave traders. Duh! That is something Muslims do not want you to know. And what is the last country to abolish slavery? Saudi Arabia, the homeland of Islam, in 1962! In the view of Islam , non-believers should either burning in hell forever or slaves.
Slavery was practiced in the homeland of Islam until 1962/
by Scholar of Islam October 4, 2006
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Slavery of blacks in the Americas originated from Islam. Who do you think captured and sold the African blacks into slavery? Muslims slave traders. Duh! That is something Muslims do not want you to know. And what is the last country to abolish slavery? Saudi Arabia, the homeland of Islam, in 1962! In the view of Islam , non-believers should either burning in hell forever or slaves.
Slavery was practiced in the homeland of Islam until 1962
by Scholar of Islam October 5, 2006
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The idea of being a Slav.
Many Eastern Europeans are not opposed to Slavery.
by Diggity Monkeez January 15, 2005
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the greatest thing the black people ever did
Damn that lincoln!! he must have liked the niggers!!
by Haxor Maxor February 25, 2005
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