skux is a very very GAY WORD!!! used by people who think they are all that....most of rongotai boys.....yeah they suck
gay rongotai boy: "OOOOOHHH! What a skux guy jim"
jim: "WHat the hell...skux is a gay boy word?"
gay rongotai boy: "shut up i bashhhhz u"
by skux hater July 11, 2008
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a Boi Hu'Z maMa JuZ wOn Da HoUsIe aNd He sCoReD hiMsELF sUm nEw CLoThEs FrOm Da WaReHoUsE!!
oH wHaT a SkUx u DoNt bUy uR cLoThEs FroM sEcOnD HaNd sHoP nE-mOrE!!
by Da ShiZz! March 27, 2004
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A skux is a guy who gets all the girls.

Sometimes is a try hard to get the girls, but still always ends up with one.
"Who's that guy sitting over there with Brittany's squad?"
"That's Zach."
"What a top skux!"
by rookie cookie September 11, 2015
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Basically used for when you want to describe something that’s fuck’n awsome but don’t want to use those words
“Fuck yeah mate that’s Skux!”
“Yeah bro that one Pegga was so Skux!”
Fuckn oath mate I’ll come round for a couple of mango’s it’ll be Skux”
by MangoLord August 9, 2019
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1. When a male or female is good looking
2. When a person does something good and gets congratulated by being called a skux
3. Someone dat is good at sumfin
'Wat a skux!!'

by skuxalicious September 7, 2003
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noun: Slang used by New Zealanders referring to a male who is quite smooth with the girls and knows how to get what he wants from them using his way. It is basically someone with so much pussy at his disposal.
I've seen you with 3 different girls this week g, you're skux!
by Kiwi_God June 14, 2017
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Skux is just a better word for when you are feeling really good and cool. Its for when you are slaying at life and all your friends think so too. Its when your a gangster and you are the person people want to hang out with.
"man this guy set fire to a house"
"dude, that guy is so skux"

"that guy has gucci shoes"
"dayum those are pretty skux bro" - mist say in a kiwi accent

used by Julian Dennison in the new zealand movie "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"
by chickenuggetlover2243 October 7, 2018
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