It is a word used in fustration when you don't know what words to say.
*person falls down stairs
Person2: Are you ok

Person1: Ahhh Shit-ass-tits
by Marvel2100 September 25, 2017
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a name you would bestow upon a fellow human in which you thoroughly despise and wish to terminate.
"Hey there's Mike!"
"Fuck Mike. He's a shit tit."
by swankz June 12, 2013
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1) The product of the Cleveland Steamer

2) Shit smeared all over a girls tits for no apparent reason whatsoever
1) After giving Leslie the Cleveland Steamer she craved so much, she had shit tits

2) While Tits McGee was sleeping I shit all over her tits and smeared it in giving her shit tits
by Robert Williamson April 21, 2005
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The shit's tits refer to the best part of a bad situation. Referring to the bright side of something negative.

Somewhat the polar opposite of the bee's knees.
I fell down pretty hard on those steps...but this bitchin' arm cast is the shit's tits!
by Turdburglar1991 September 29, 2010
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Mostly you would say something is "the shit" if it's bangin or something, but if it happens to be particulary phat, you could elaborate, saying something is "the shit's tits" being the best or most valuable part of the shit, or the "best of the best."
igg 1: You ever had Smirnoff Ras with Cranberry and Grapefruit juice?
igg 2: Yeah dude, that stuff's the shit's tits!
by Adam November 6, 2007
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