The televangelist who, on national telvision, will peel-off his human mask and reveal to the world that he is the Antichrist!
"How do I know Pat Robertson is the Antichrist?
Jerry Falwell told me so!"
by Carl J. Maltese May 23, 2007
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Reverend, former Republican Party Presidental candidate, 700 Club host. Also a crazed person whose said the bible says that god will defeat communism and that Islam is an evil religion. Also known to spin news at CBN to favor him and conservatives in general which was proven in the documentary "Spin". Also had a pray-a-thon in hopes that liberal supreme courts judges would leave their posts. And has said and done many crazed things so many you could write a book about it... wait THEY DID!
People actually supported Pat Robertson's presidential run in 1988! No Really! What The @%+>#!!!
by Chaos General July 17, 2004
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There's Pat spouting off about how great Christianity is, and how other religions are just garbage.
by Troy January 7, 2004
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Gavin Robertson is a guy who’s great at roblox and very sexy, and the girls say he fucks pretty good too.
“I let Gavin Robertson Fuck me so hard because he’s so good at roblox
by niggerboi028 January 3, 2021
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When one overreacts to a work that was overhyped by shouting down the work instead of those overhyping it
Person A: Inception? inception was shit. Christopher Nolan is shit now. 2/10.

Person B: a clear example of The Robertson Fallacy.
by aido_anto March 4, 2012
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