The most amazing cutest, beautifully gorgeous, awesomoniumliest girl ever who deals with her boyfriend for saying stupid stuff i think but he is not aware of ha;).
Reyna is capital Amazing
by theBoss15 January 2, 2012
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An amazing female who is inexplicably always correct. She states nothing but facts. Never underestimate her. She can move mountains using her amazing, always correct willpower. You MUST always agree with her.
Lorenzo: You're never right. I am. Don't try me.
Reyna: Babe, look at me.
Lorenzo: You know what, you're right. Like always. I'm sorry baby.
by PH. R. Victoria Morales Guerra December 21, 2020
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Reyna is someone who likes books
- Hey! How's Reyna?
+ She's doing fine.
by Reyna loves books November 26, 2020
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The agent that every delusional iron player who has dreams of reaching radiant locks in as quickly as humanly possible right before running it down every round.
Nice, another instalock Reyna player. Looks like it's about to be another 4v5.
by Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg March 3, 2021
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Reyna is an all around amazing person to be around. She’s smart, pretty, athletic, and everyone loves her. Shes is loyal and always there for the people she really cares about. If you find yourself falling in love with a Reyna, make sure to tell her. It is likely she may like you too!!
That girl is so amazing, she must be named Reyna..
by you_already_know175 November 22, 2021
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Reyna is an amazing,beautiful,goofy and moody friend. She is loveable and caring. She may see mean but no. She’s amazing :) ~Erika :))
I love you reynaaa ~Erika
by Angel_X0 November 25, 2018
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1. a synonym to beatiful.

2. someone who sleeps in a shed.
1. "The wedding bride looks reyna".

2. "That bum is probably a reyna".
by shannbam June 18, 2007
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