A cheese filled pasta covered in creamy delicious red sauce that nobody wants.
by Whoisthisguy? January 15, 2015
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Miss spelled term for the popular pasta food "Ravioli"
Raviolie is my favorite,

No dude its Ravioli*
by BootyHandler November 8, 2017
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a mans ball sack usually compact to a smaller size for his homosexual lover to "eat"
Justin's ravioli had a tangy taste today
by Ravioliboi July 31, 2018
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Ravioli is just enslaved meat
Mmmmmm I love enslaved meat

I dont want no ravioli nigga
by Zeglith- October 5, 2019
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N. A profoundly disgusting sexual fetish, where the male drops a deuce on a girls vagina during her menstruation and then proceeds to eat her out. No doubt named after the pasta dish where meat can be found inside of the pasta pouch layered in sauce.
"Dude me and Alicia were fuckin' last night and i so totally gave her a ravioli
by Peter W. Cole March 21, 2006
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ravioli rumbles is when you have the deep unrelenting need to have some ravioli. preferably chef Boyardee
Dave: What do you want for dinner tonight John?
John: I think I have the ravioli rumbles
Dave: I'll get the chef Boyardee
by chef boyardeehycbgerjetyjetyj7 February 24, 2017
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When some asks if your name is Count Ravioli and you respond with Stephan.
Are you Count Ravioli?

No, I'm Stephan.
by werty222 October 4, 2017
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