Any object that contains something else inside of it.
Ex. Pop tart, burrito, avocado, the human body

The earth is a ravioli , because of the magma center.
by Princess fart face April 11, 2018
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a delicious saucy coved noodle with beef inside.
wow that Chef boyardee is some chef, i just ate a can of his ravioli
by xmarcusrad March 24, 2008
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A dime bag of compressed pot (0.8 tightly compacted.)
cut the zee and stuff the raviolis.
by ill dun doin it January 18, 2005
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its pasta "meat" and red sauce.
"fuck you, i dont want no ravioli nigga."
by mukeaf666 January 9, 2015
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Kid: Fuck you i dont want no ravioli nigga uh i dont wan tit man
by butdatbackflipdoe December 9, 2014
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