a person that is trying to get out of a situation by acting like your doing something else instead.
Maria was being a little possum when Martina asked for her help to do the laundry. Martina spotted her sleeping on the couch instead.
by Carolyn Lelaine September 24, 2007
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a. See wordPossum/word

b. A replacement for any swear word, derived from the Teen Girl Squad Movies.
"I met a possum!"

"Oh for possums sake!"
by MonteM June 2, 2003
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When you yell something that makes turn around, and want to make people think it was someone else.
People think that you weren't the one to yell it, because they think you were talking to the person next to you about possums.
Person A: KYLE!!!!!!
-kyle turns around-
Person A: And then, the possum,
Person B: Dude, you like Shirey?
by ThisOneTimeAtBandCamp October 20, 2008
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Use to replace the word flatulence, and having to do with all anal secretions. Refers to when your anus sounds like the growling of a possum or smells like one that has been hit on the road.
When talking about taking a dump;
"I have to make a possum!"
"I'll need to use some more possum paper (toilet paper)."

When talking about flatulence; pppfffrrt "Possum!!!"
Also when talking about flatulence; "Did you smell Chelsea's Possum?!"

When thinking about taking a dump;
"Hey Darryl do you wanna go possum hunting?"
"Sorry I forgot my possum license."

If someone possums you can use possum spray (air freshener)
by Zach, Wade, Brian, David July 20, 2006
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What everyone should eat mo of.
Eat mo possum. It's great in a stew.
by Bumkicker Slade May 7, 2005
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Another word for asshole, wanker, twat, pussy etc. Mainly used in Britain as an insult towards people, but also said in countries such as Australia and Canada.
Dude, that guy was such a twat
Yeah, such a fucking possum!
by Brakenissocoollike October 19, 2011
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an animal commonly confused with the word awesome. is not actually that awesome. Or maybe it's an opossum.
guy 1: Awesome possums, man!
guy 2: No.
See opossum
by lawlemu February 13, 2011
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