A way of saying "Fuck you" by telling someone to cut of a dick and swallow (slik) it
You are not welcome here
Slik een pik!
by Horowizard December 17, 2015
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noun: refers primarily to white trash who's feet are stained a dirty black color from walking everywhere barefoot. Commonly also known as soot foot, blackfoot or 7-11 feet, Pik-Kwik Feet just sounds funnier and in places where Pik-Kwik was a local convenience store this version of the noun was often used instead of 7-11 feet or having a blackfoot sighting simply because it rolls off the tongue easier. Either way if you have 7-11 feet, soot foot or Pick-Kwik feet it means you need to not just wash, scrub & exfoliate your feet your stanky feet.
By the time I got down to suck on her toes I quickly stopped because the bitch had some stank ass Pik-Kwik feet.
by EricXL July 1, 2012
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dude 1:"fuck u man"
dude 2: "sut min pik"
by Bines November 5, 2018
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It is a big broom that is put up someones ass!!!!!!
Oh know he kæmpe pikkede me
by Røv September 16, 2019
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A word commonly used by Majd's. The word is used as a compliment for boosting self asteem while playing games. The words Antonym is "Lille pik" (Small dick) , which means the opposite.
Guy: I just headshotted that guy

Majd: Stor pik (Big dick)

Guy: Gets horny

2nd Guy: Gets horny as well
by Maidj January 15, 2021
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A guy in fortnite that thinks he's cool for being able to crank 90s without messing up and is a lonely bot.
by October 13, 2020
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