Also known as a Post Graduate. Someone who takes another Senior year, usually at another high school.

Types of "PGs":
"Talented athlete"-whom is taking an extra year so that they can get a full athletic scholarship from their #1 college pick; spends time taking easy classes and partying/chilling all senior year.
"Extremely smart foreign student"-whom is trying to make it in America and is most likey going to an ivy; spends time in their room all day and night studying.
"Didn't know what else to do"-Since they didn't get recruited for a sport and didn't have the grades to get into a college, they decided to try it over again. But they will fail again and will end up going to a shitty community college. Spends time thinking they are hot shit and trying to hook up with little freshman.
"Damn that PG is an amazing athlete!"
by lyla May 2, 2005
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Pretty girl-
Can be used between intimate romantic relationships, or sometimes between family members as a term of endearment.
1. "Whadddup, PG?"

2. "Daaang man this banger is hoppin'!"
"For real dude, I'm lovin all these PGs"

3. "Hi mommy I just woke up"
"Good morning PG"
by TheDefiner11111111 August 7, 2009
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Parental Guidence - A recommendation for a movie which might be 'frightening' to people under the age of 15. 15? more like 6 or 5.
by Tim XYZ October 27, 2003
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a really bad punk band from illinois
Why is PGS going on tour? They suck!
by initech March 20, 2003
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Let's drive to PG for the fuck of it.

No way! That's like 15 hours from Vancouver!
by moonbug November 13, 2006
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A term used by @pg3adams it refers to a point guard from New Jersey who plays as number 3
by Zaytha Shootah October 29, 2018
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Post-Gathering Syndrome

The depression/upset you attend a (often YouTube related) gathering.
I miss yesterday so much - the pgs is strong rn :((
by _ lucasys May 27, 2016
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