When the dude in the urinal next to you looks over at your junk.
"I don't know what kind of bar this is, but dudes were peeving me in the bathroom."
by Doc4121 May 6, 2014
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peeving is another word for drinking or seshing mostly used by gordies of northern places
person 1: oi oi you peeving this weekend

person 2: nah man busy as
by Sexychick2000 April 19, 2018
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The word that means you have an oversized dick
by Bigpeeve September 22, 2019
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Something that somone finds extremely bothersome of annoying
Pet peeves ex: Heavy breathing, tapping on a table , smacking your gum, continuous sniffling.
by Jxsel_ November 4, 2015
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Something Or a set of things that an individual finds very annoying.
One of my pet peeves is when my boyfriend leaves the toilet seat up!!
by MacRef89 September 16, 2016
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Something that is maybe a bit annoying to most people but is very annoying or upsetting to a particular person.

Related to the word peeve meaning an annoyance or grievance, a pet peeve is something that a person has adopted(like a pet) to be extra annoying or upsetting to them. Like a pet, they pay a lot of attention to this peeve and may talk about it a lot and share funny pictures of it on the internet.
I know we aren't supposed to put fake names on the forms, but it's a real pet peeve of Rachel's, so make extra sure she doesn't catch you.

Tim: Why do the checkout clerks have to be so stupid?
Irene: I admit the conversation wasn't sparkling, but we got checked out quickly and efficiently, that's all that matters.
Tim: grr, I guess stupid people are just a pet peeve of mine.
by SpinLikeARecord March 25, 2013
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When a texting pattern pisses you off.
When the way someone texts annoys you.
Kathy: heyy wuts up?
Beth: nm. wuz just txting Emily but had to get off

Kathy: y? rn't we txting now?
Beth: ya but she kept txting only one word answers- soo

Kathy: omg wut a text peeve!
by annonymouse123 April 24, 2011
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