A Rope game like double dutch, but you twirl the ropes the opposite way in orange peel than you would twirl them in double dutch.
Come on Tiara, lets go play orange peel
by JJEE January 8, 2008
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1.) Lousy half-ass paint jobs on cars that look like complete garbage.

2.) An ass-- particularly a woman's ass-- that is a minefield of cellulite and dents and lumps. Resembles an orange peel.
1.) Bob took his hooptie to get fixed at Mickey's and now it's got a bad case of orange peel ass

2.) Lisa, the two hundred fifty pound hambeast lets her orange peel ass protrude from her booty shorts.
by The Walking Eyebrow December 6, 2009
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The topic being discussed doesn’t mean shit, and that you don’t care.
“I got a tube of gum paste yesterday”
“Well isn’t the just pennies in the orange peel
by Yodelaheehooo January 25, 2019
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the worst rapper on sight with the hair of the orangutan he try’s to be the hottest rapper in the game when he has really gone cold
I just got my food out the freezer it’s very lil orange peel
by swagalici0u5 May 27, 2021
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when a chick is on her back and giving you an upside down bj, you pull her ankles over your shoulders and lick her butt. that is the orange peel. to make it beyond the arc, you have to lean back and shoot your load perfectly onto her butthole. you have to be an expert to achieve this move.
i was getting upside down bj while licking this chicks asshole,then i unloaded and shot it like a sniper right onto her butthole. i cant believe i achieved the orange peel from beyond the arc
by throwbombs January 23, 2009
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A friendly amazing friend who loves to have a laugh. You can have a great time with her even if you had a bad day. She'll always listen and is never 2 faced. She is amazing at art and brilliant at PE. If you get friends with her you'll want to be friends forever.
Hi I'm friends with orange peel 2.0
OMG lucky
by TheMotherFuckingBeauty April 17, 2023
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Guy 1: dude did you go down on your girl last night

Guy 2: yeah but it was so hairy I had to peel her orange if you know what I mean
by Peelherorange January 4, 2016
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