Among other things, disco can also be an intransitive verb - an abbreviation of "disconnect" - usually used in the past tense. It is normally used during an online game or instant messaging.
Even with broadband, I somtimes get discoed.

Our group was destroying that Narglartch den on SWG until the Zabrak got discoed.
by Leif April 19, 2005
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Verb - to do a Disco is to perform a blatantly obvious lie that usually results in getting out of a tricky situation, or leaving work early. The excuses are both varied and elaborate, conflicting heavily with the truth.

Adjective - To describe an action that is very crafty or false. e.g. 'He's only gone and done a Disco!'
Ray: "Where is he?"
Nock: "He's late because of the ice."
Ray: "But I live next door to him, and I was fine..."
Nock: "I guess he's done a Disco then.."
by UniqueUmbrella123 January 27, 2010
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1. That feeling you get when you take every illegal drug in your house (normally marijuana), as well as all the good booze, invite a small amount of your drug buddies over, boom loud, pulsing house or techno music and not stopping until the stash is gone. The resulting jam and tomfoolery that occurs creates an irresistible mood to dance like a fool with said friends.
Tom: Well, she divorced me, Chase. Thanks for lettin me stay here.

Chase: No probs, dude. Hey, got any booze? I'm out.

Tom: Just a few bottles of Rum and a Guinness six-pack. Why?

Chase: Fuck yeah, bro! I got an ounce of strawberry kush. Call the up the boys and lets get this disco started.
by APotSmokingCentipede April 15, 2011
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A weird mysterious anomaly that occurs on iOS users phones. Whenever you try to spell out the word "Discord," it autocorrects to Discoed. The origins of this word is unknown.
"I always try to spell out Discord on my iPhone, but it always autocorrects to Discoed! So annoying."
by Rondaxen June 22, 2021
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Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability Commitments
A set of commitments on Diversity and Inclusion, and Sustainability, written and published by an organisation or individual.
Yes, we have made real progress here, I will send over our DISCO.
by acronimo August 26, 2020
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Tasty crisps made by KP
Me: Would you like some discos?
An american: Dude thats like so 70's, you mean club
Me: They're crisps
An american: U mean chips?
Me: No i mean crisps, its our language, you ruined it.
by ctrl+alt+del June 21, 2009
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Also now Slang in Britain for a Discovery Landrover.
Check out the boots on that cool disco (boots in turn being slang for tyres).
by Subsonic December 21, 2016
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