Confused people who can't even figure out their gender, so how can they even remember their own name?
1930: We will have flying cars in by 2022!

2022: I identify as an Omnisexual Non Binary Transmasc person.
by Rotten Turkey June 17, 2022
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non binary is an umbrella term for all of the genders that are not binary (men and women are binary)
eg.gender fluid,agender and demiboy is non binary
girl 1: “hey i heard kat was non binary”
girl 2: “yeah they are agender and they go by they/them now”
by coollesbianperson June 2, 2022
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Somebody who does not identify as male of female.

They will usually have the pronouns they/them.
Person 1: who is that?
Person 2: that's Alex they're non-binary
by Just_me6442 March 4, 2018
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Someone who is neither/not wholly of the binary genders; perhaps somewhere in the middle, entirely outside, partly one or the other, both simulataneously, fluctuating, etc.

These all have proper names but non-binary is an umbrella term for these things.
"The two binary genders are boy and girl, NOT male and female because those are sexes, so non-binary people are not wholly one gender of the other."
by ellisten April 28, 2016
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To not be referred to as a Male or a Female (you don't have a gender).
Man; Hey, whats you're gender?
Me; I don't have one ;) Im non binary!!
by unkownstupidbitchmotherfucker September 1, 2020
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A totally valid umbrella term for many genders such as, bigender, pangender, agender, genderqueer, etc. Sometimes people who are non binary use different pronouns out of the English dictionary. Such as xir/xim. I think that is the right spelling . I apologize if it is not. Anyways non binary people can go by, she/he/they, they/he, they/she, they/them, etc.
Person a: ooo shes hot
Person b: they're non binary! They're pronouns are they/them
A: oh, they're cute then
by Non binary rat ●W● September 22, 2019
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Somebody who is NOT mentally ill, but somebody who doesn’t identify as cisgender (male or female). Somebody who is non binary may use they/them pronouns or neopronouns. A common stereotype is them saying “did you just assume my gender” unironically. This is an offensive stereotype and should not be used.
John: Did you know that Juan is non binary
Linda: I never knew that. Do they use they/them pronouns?
John: Yes they do.
by gayrat.mp3 October 23, 2019
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