A word for someone who is ugly, and also a retard
god man that girl is Mugly!
by natty April 29, 2004
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Mug-Ugly. It relys on a common stereotype of an ugly crimminal. It is a term used to describe a severly ugly person, most likely a woman.
If the times are tough, I'd sleep with a mugly bit*h too.
by Yugo January 3, 2004
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Combination of the words "mucho" and "ugly". Basically, very ugly.
Man, is she mugly!
by fortress star 11 July 28, 2010
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A word defining uglier than ugly.
An old fat comes in the room and looks directly at you.
"Ew, mugly man"
by Eric, Stephanie, and Amanda September 30, 2006
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well mugly stands for mutated ugly and yea there are heaps of muglys at my skool but there is one in particular and man is he mugly i wont name names coz thats harsh but mugly nos who he is well he shud neway othawise i need to but him a mirror.
Kat: hey carman look theres mugly and he asked u out lol
Carman: shut up. eww i cnt belveie mugly asked me out
by Katherine May 31, 2004
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adj. Very ugly.

See also bo-bugly, fo-fugly,me my mo-mugly and fe fy fo-fugly
Man 1: "She isn't the most attractive."
Man 2: "Ya, she's mo-mugly."
by Beef Jerkin April 19, 2004
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The name given to someone who is at the peak of their lives, whilst being the ugliest person in the world. Thus, this person has absolutely no hope and will most probably die, alone and unloved, in a hovel having been rejected from society.

Jenny: Eww! Fugly-Bugly-Mugly---
(she cannot finish because the sight is too hideous for words. After years of intense couselling she returns to normal life)
by FlibandFlibFlibandFlib March 20, 2009
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