Someone who does heads. They have many head doing traits. Similar to word loser.
Shannon is a mokes. She is annoying
by Dr. Einstein July 4, 2008
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A gworl who's so outer space thick that she got a gravitational pull. Equivalent to baddie or shawty.
"That moke so outer space thick she got a gravitational pull, I'm not getting sucked in but I hope I get sucked off"
by Moke Man aka Haywood Jablom October 7, 2023
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The act of smoking a cigarette or stogie through a hole in ones neck. This word was derived from the people who have a hole in their trachea (which they smoke from) and pronounce "smoking" as "moking" because they can't pronouce the "s" sound.
Pronounced = "mo-king" or "moke"
old man- *using a voice box* "mmmm Jimmm and I....mmm we went moking after work"
by WeedMokers9999 September 6, 2005
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messed up, rekt, doinked, ruined, destroyed, devastated, lay waste, ravaged, demolished, wrecked, wiped out, flatten

derelict, in ruins, dilapidated, ruinous, tumbledown, ramshackle, decrepit, falling to pieces, crumbling, decaying, disintegrating...
There was only one donut in the bag left for me, and it was all moked up.
Who moked up the last piece of pizza?
The candy wrapper was completely moked.
by SampoFinn November 3, 2018
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someone usually in the caribbean, who is of good quality, but they always packin some kind of heat with em 24/7.
ehh yo man, he a regular $Moke on da block.
by joseph smith April 19, 2005
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Yo guys we should totally go hit up the spot and go moke.

Hey yo J-mur and T-Beezy lets hop in the mazda 3 and go moke on a spills run!
by k-zirk October 17, 2010
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When Guido fell behind his payment schedule the loan sharks sent over the mokes for a tune-up.
by Anton Chigurh January 8, 2009
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