a cool character that eats chocolate🍫 and is more emo🗝🖤 than near and L combined, also sometimes has mental breakdowns and is sometimes labled as a girl😐🖕
Heyyyyyy so you asked who meh fav character from dn is? It's mello.
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Marching band-geek abbreviation for the mellophone, the loudest and most underappreciated instrument in the band. Second only in awesomeness to the French horn. Also commonly used to refer to a mellophone player.
Band director: "Trumpets, back down so we can hear the mellos!"
by GilbertAwesomeBeilschmidt October 17, 2016
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a dude who is built like a marshmallow yet a god at games
by xMynti October 20, 2019
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Is a superior being
IS Daddy
Bob: u saw mello?
Boby: ye he's daddy
Bob:fr a superior being
by Jimmy Delaroix July 19, 2023
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Mello is the type of person that's always there for you, would do anything for you, and be there for you in the light and in the dark. mello is the type of person everyone dreams to have as their best friend.
A: you and that person you were hanging out w all day seem close.
B: yeah! they're mello!
by theminkyway October 20, 2023
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An RA who is stalked by multiple residents to the point of obsession/legal action.
"Yo dat bitch got Melloed, that dude wouldn't quit!"
by Smelly Jew January 21, 2010
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