A man who has let himself be used by another man as a carry-all on the street for narcotics such as crack cocaine or heroine, the drugs in question being rolled up in condoms and then hidden up his bottom and transported to their destination in that way, either by walking, car, motorbike, push-bike, bus, train, ferry, or helicopter, either locally or long distance, but not internationally.
My dear chap, all I want you to do this morning is to transport these rolled up condoms full of cocaine through the streets up your bottom. There is no question of you being a Man-Bag for me, as I will not even be on the street with you, as this is something you are doing for your own profit and entirely of your own volition.
by Zamboozee April 11, 2011
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The trailer park man bag consists largely of plastic shopping bags, carrier bags, or plastic grocery bags, but can otherwise refer to any bag people would otherwise not think to use twice. The trailer park man bag can commonly re used as a mans means of moving or transporting objects such as a laptop, mouse and keyboard. cheese factory, Sendix, feet farm but not farm and fleet bags provide reasonable bags for this title and are more desired than those from Piggly wiggly, metro market and Aldis.
1. Are you seriously about to take that Trailer park man bag onto the plan as carry on luggage AGAIN?

2. here comes that grumpy old man with his newest Trailer park man bag he's always dragging to work
by jade_electric January 18, 2023
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The most hideous thing to see on earth and should be burned with the jews
That boy with that blue Adidas man bag looks like a bellend
by Horses in the back May 17, 2019
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Carried by hardnuts and chavs who think they own the world, man bags are items that are often seen outside mc Donald’s, the kid carrying them is probably riding a Carrera Vengeance with his Chav buddies in a ride out session.
Oh look it’s a man bag boy
by Criticalxp September 6, 2019
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For a man to have a purse but actually be a cross-breed of a man purse and a big bag
Guy 1: "Dude sick purse"
Guy 2: "It's not a purse asshole, it's a big man bag purse!"
Guy 1: "Oh"
by pencil37289147891234 September 17, 2014
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When two gay guys are in a department store & want some quick sex, you bring an extra shoppers bag to the bathroom. Make the guy stand in while you give them head sitting on the toilet. If anyone looks under the bathroom stall, it'll look like 2 feet & a shoppers bag when its really two men having fun!
Omg, girl! Guess what I got at Lord & Taylor today? Man in a bag, girl! And they were 'half off' too!
by Jo NYC April 9, 2018
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