a very funny, strong, beautiful, smart, && sweet girl. can have bad anxiety at times, but can get through it. usually has long dirty blonde hair && hazel eyes. can be very sarcastic but knows when to be real. loves to hangout with her friends but likes her alone time. not boy crazy but if the right one comes around she'll snatch him up.
wow, she must be a madison, she's really smart.
by Sydney Fuckyou June 25, 2013
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A amazing, beautiful, intelligent, and simply perfect girl. Madisons are perfect girlfreinds, and even better wifes. Madisons are great dancers, and can do anything they set there mind to. Madisons will do anything for their freinds, and will always be there for them no matter what. They are awesome freinds to make, and will never leave your side. Madisons are perfect in every way.
Wow her name has got to be madison, she is so stunningly beautiful.
by varuffles09 February 4, 2010
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A very gorgeous, beautiful person. Very kind and gentle except when its towards bk. Has baby hair. Her eyes sparkle. She can always put a smile on someones face and her lips are so very soft. Whoever has this amazing person they should never let go and never let her leave their sight.
Madison is very amazing:)
by Ironman2907 April 4, 2011
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The hottest girl you'll ever meet. She's got long brown hair, medium brown eyes, slightly tanned skin, is tall, and slightly muscular. She pays attention in class, and is most likely quiet when shes not with her friends. Madison practically breathes confidence, and people know not to mess with her because shes not afraid to make you regret it, or to put you in your place. Madison is sarcastic, witty, smart, outgoing, beautiful, kind, sometimes shy, funny, and an all around awesome friend and girlfriend. She gives off a tranquil or excited energy, but is easy to anger, though at some times she may keep it to herself. Madison is mature, funny, and sexy. Her slightly raspy voice gets guys to turn her way immediately and watch as she walks by. Madison is the best girlfriend because she always makes you laugh, and is always there for you, even at the times you don't need her; but you'll always want her. Hold her tight though, because if she doesn't feel loved and appreciated, she'll leave you. Her nickname is Madi
Tom: Dude, did you see Madison today? She looks totally hot!
Hunter: Yo, thats my girlfriend!
by HarlowMarieTorres May 2, 2011
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Name of girl, usually in her teens. Typically has brown/dirty blonde hair and big blue eyes. Comes off as shy, but really the comedian of all her friends. Every guy wants her, but nobody knows how to approach her. Doesn't realize how pretty she truly is, and hates when people say so. Madison is the best kind of friend to have, and an even better girlfriend. If you know a Madison, go out and get her! Hurry before anyone else does, because once she is involved there can be no others. She is a one guy kinda girl. Very trustworthy, caring, and kind.
Guy 1: Did you see Madison today? She was looking HOT.
Guy 2: Yes! I think she checked me out!
Guy 3: Are you kidding me? She has a boyfriend. She definitely wasn't checking anyone else out.
by MysteryGiiirl October 10, 2011
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A amazing, beautiful, intelligent, and simply perfect girl. Madisons are perfect girlfreinds, and even better wifes. Madisons are great dancers, and can do anything they set there mind to. Madisons will do anything for their freinds, and will always be there for them no matter what. They are awesome freinds to make, and will never leave your side. Madisons are perfect in every way.
Wow her name has got to be madison, she is so stunningly beautiful. And a bad ass motherfucker who who won't take no shit off of nobody and never cries and likes a guy named CJ
Madison will kick your ass if she gets you get in her way. If you don't she'll bake you cookies
by Madirose2002 March 6, 2015
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Madison is the most perfect affectionate person i have ever met. Words really cant define how perfect my Madison really is. Madison is a loving, beautiful, smart, funny, outgoing, and over all perfect girl. If you have a Madison as a girlfriend you are one lucky guy. Treat her like no other. Show her that she means the world to you and act that way. Spoil her even when she doesnt want you to. She should be the highlight of your everyday and bring a smile to your face everyday. She is an absolute outstanding individual and if you have one for a girlfriend hold on to her and dont let go. She should be on your mind constantly and you should want to do everything you can for her. Nothing should ever have to come between the two of you and if you love her as much as you say you you do then you can work through any problem. My Madison knows how much she means to me and I would never give her up for anything in this world. <3
Madison is truley perfect.
by sexiestmanalive123 November 6, 2017
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