A person who issues illegal loans, with outrageous interest, and if you don't pay it back over a certain period of time, he a) breaks your legs, b) breaks your face c) kills you.
Billy talked to the loan shark, and we found him sleepin with the fishies.
by Joseth Rainrieg July 18, 2004
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Someone who offers incredibly high-interest loans to people that will never be able to pay them back. Loan sharks are among the most hated people on earth.
Loan sharks make a living off screwing people for life.
by Mike July 17, 2004
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someone who loans money for illegal purposes and then requests payment back over high interest
you pay back your loan shark mang?
by Logan July 22, 2004
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Dodgy bloke who lends money at massive interest rates then breaks your legs when you can't pay up within the week.
That loan shark has just chopped all my fingers off when I said I couldn't pay him back till next week.
by Bigwookie July 19, 2004
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loan shark
n. Informal
One who lends money at exorbitant interest rates, especially one financed and supported by an organized crime network.
If you don't repay the loan shark you'll end up at the bodum of the river.
by Alz July 19, 2004
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A money lender who loans money to desperate borrowers at ridiculous terms, and uses criminal means to intimidate the money back from the borrower if they can't get the interest back.
The loan shark broke Peter's knees when he couldn't cough up $100.
by ke6isf July 19, 2004
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someone who loans out money, usually short-term, at extortionate interest rates. Consequences of non-payment can be physically severe.
Jimmy the loan shark sent over two goons to collect the vig.
by Loopy July 20, 2004
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