One given to showing off about what they know by teaching others on numerous different topics that have little relation or no relation at all to the each other or the main subject matter at hand; pedant
"I'm afraid that's not going to fix the truck, Jim. To fix a truck you have to retool it. Not that much different from fixing a television set in which you rewire the power cords. Power cords which interestingly enough came were invented in the 1800s around the same time jim crow laws were passed and The First Barbary war took place. It's interesting to note that the first law was-" "Can you tell me how to fix the truck or not, know-it-all?" snapped Jim, justifiably so.

My know-it-all father went rambling on about irrelevant shit from how to groom dogs, how to tattoo arms to how to construct a road and how to build a house instead of getting to the point about figuring out the math problem. As it turned out he didn't know how.
by Marvinforbare July 13, 2008
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one given to teaching others all the time on all sorts of topics when their information is based personal opinion presented as absolute truth; a pedagogue
"Ok, whenever you go to a party you have to wear really, really happening stuff or else no one is going to hang around you. Straw hats are what's happening. If you wear straw hats people are going to take you seriously. You also can't go wrong with sandles. Now, if you wear things like this or this you'll get beat down so it's best to just throw them out. Ok, stores! You can't go to just any place to shop. If you want to buy what you're looking for, there's only one place to go. That's over at O'Mars. Now, never, I repeat, NEVER go on the North Shore Bus. The people are going to get on your nervs on the North Shore bus and the seats are going to give you back pains. Taxis are the best way to get around in this city. If you have your hair hanging all out, all the girls are going to to be looking down their nose at you. When you want a girl to know what's going down, you have your hair in a ponytail. When you go out to eat, you want your butt to look big. You can find stuff to stick in your butt over at Omar's. It's the first thing you want to buy. Now, lesson one about boys-" "I don't have time for all this, know-it-all. I doubt all that stuff is even the case."

Some know-it-all acting like a teacher on everything instead of just shutting his mouth for two seconds.

My other attempt to describe the word know-it-all on this page was actually a description of the word "patronize" or "condescending" which is to treat someone as if they're less intelligent than you or stupid, whereas a know-it-all is a person who acts like an expert.
by know-it-all Isaac July 11, 2008
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A person who's quick to criticize the opinions, input, or approach of others in seemingly every aspect of life, so they can correct them by presenting their own input on the topic in an instructive fashion
Amber: "I'll get Jerry some tylenol and-"

Pat: "Such nonsense. When someone feels this way, what they need is chicken noodle soup and crackers. You see, that has all the nutrition they need."

Amber: "Fine! I'll run to the store and pick up some chicken noodle soup so-"

Pat: "ACTUALLY making it from scratch is much more healthy than going to the store. You see, when it's made from scratch, you can add bits of almonds that pep up up the meal."

Amber : "Pat, quit being such a know-it-all and shove it up your ass."
by Malory Henderson July 21, 2008
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one given to teaching others all the time on all sorts of topics when their information is based on unproven opinions presented as absolute truth; a pedagogue
"Ok, whenever you go to a party you have to wear really, really happening stuff or else no one is going to hang around you. Straw hats are what's happening. If you wear straw hats people are going to take you seriously. You also can't go wrong with sandles. Now, if you wear things like this or this you'll get beat down so it's best to just throw them out. Ok, stores! You can't go to just any place to shop. If you want to buy what you're looking for, there's only one place to go. That's over at O'Mars. Now, never, I repeat, NEVER go on the North Shore Bus. The people are going to get on your nervs on the North Shore bus and the seats are going to give you back pains. Taxis are the best way to get around in this city. If you have your hair hanging all out, all the girls are going to to be looking down their nose at you. When you want a girl to know what's going down, you have your hair in a ponytail. When you go out to eat, you want your butt to look big. You can find stuff to stick in your butt over at Omar's. It's the first thing you want to buy. Now, lesson one about boys-" "I don't have time for all this, know-it-all. I doubt all that stuff is even the case."

Some know-it-all acting like a teacher on everything instead of just shutting his mouth for two seconds.

My other attempt to describe the word know-it-all on this page was actually a description of the word "patronize" or "condescending" which is to treat someone as if they're less intelligent than you or less smarter than you are, whereas a know-it-all is a person who acts like an expert through dogmatic teaching.

by know-it-all Isaac July 11, 2008
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Someone who believes they've got the answer to every question even if the question hasn't been asked or if they really don't have the answer (... but of course they believe they do). This is not a shy individual, but rather someone whose ego is over flowing primarily through their mouth, but seems to have come from the other end of their digestive system.
Standing in the door of his single wide, Mr. know it all gave me his latest real estate tips.

Mr. know it all told the CIA there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Unfortunately, they were listening.
by polarpaul June 25, 2005
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A person who behaves as if they know everything, specifically in the context of a social atmosphere in attempts to look cool around others.
Jack: I got some champagne for the party!
Derek: Actually Jack, champagne is from one specific region in California, you just technically brought sparkling wine.
Jack: You're being a little Nancy Know-it-all Derek...
by MagicManMatt October 31, 2017
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A gamer who doesnt shut up when gaming.This is becuase they just cant stop telling you about the game or anything remotely close to being related to the game.
Know It All Gamer : Man, this is such a great game.I bet you guys dont know the year it was published and who came up with the character design,graphic design,sound,(babbles on for quite some time)

Days Later:The ex-boyfriend of the whife who married the roomate of the person who first came up with the idea of the game, ::SMACK::

John:Wow, thanks man
Rick(holding a bloody bat):No prob/

\Know It All Gamer:Wow! Star Wars Battlefront II! Man that was totally awesome when like, in the fourth movie, luke was all like.....

Hours Later : Then, in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin went all ::KA-SMACK-AGAIN::

Marcus:Thanks, dude
Rick:Man,I thought that guy was dead...
by NarutoUzamaki7 November 24, 2005
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