What ugly men in their mid-20's yell at attractive teenage girls from cars. Infact, it happened to me today.
You can't tell if you should take it as a compliment or not.
Most likely you looked it up on here because of that certain situation.
It's referring to a sexually attractive, but under aged girl. You hear it less in Canada since the age of consent is 14.
Guy in car: "JAILBAIT!!!"
You: "What?"
Friends: "I don't know O_o"
You: *looks it up on urbandictionary.com*. OH MY GOD.
by Boota!! B) January 14, 2006
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Someone young & very attractive (most likely a girl), that you would really love to get with but cant cause she's a minor. If you get caught you can serve some serious time in jail. A saying goes 16 will give you 20, as in beig with a 16 yr old grl will give you 20yrs in prison.
Guy: Wow, Sandra's hott, I'm about to get in that!
Freind: Nah man, she's only 16, she 100% jailbait.
by Uknown person May 30, 2009
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A girl that is under age but hot. A girl you would have sex with but in doing so would land you in jail for breaking statutory rape laws.
Person 1:Hey man I was checking www.imagelol.com and they have some wicked hot girls on there.

Person 2: Really? They're jailbait man!

Person 1: It's so worth it though.
by imagelol January 31, 2011
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(noun) an underage girl who tempts an older man

lasdj; dkfsa akds jailbait
by mrfoxy February 29, 2008
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A word perverted old men use to describe underage girls they want to have sex with.

They're called 'jailbait' because if the man has sex with her (usually in the form of rape), and anyone finds out they will be put away.

'Bait' wrongfully refers to the young girl as a temptress, and implies that the male has no control over himself, therefore it is entirely the girl's fault if he ends up in prison for it.
Wow, look at the girl with the pigtails and braces on; I bet she'll get in my van with me. Then when I get charged with first degree rape I can claim she was jailbaiting me and that I'm the innocent victim here.
by mcgraves26 May 17, 2011
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I've got a great weekend planned of watching hot jailbait
on Disney.
by jsd9632 December 28, 2011
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