1. (what it actually was) an order of people who had controvrtial ideas that scared people so they were banned in 1785 and ceased to exist.

2. (what ignorant people and idiots think it is) a secret sociaty that is run mostly by jews and aliens to get money and power and introduce a new world order.

needless to say its an excuse for crackpots and nutters to spread stupid conspiricy theories and anti semitism. the illumitati were a bunch of people who thought that the world would be better if it was run by a few people in sercret rather than by a load of differant countries but most people thought that was bad and they banned them.
there were never more than 2000 members of the illuminati
ignorant, idio,t redneck, racist, illiterate piece of brain dead shit, says: the illuminati will take over soon the jews will take all your money and aliens will rape you
by wheatley boy December 26, 2009
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A pretend secret society that conspiracy theorists believe are trying

to take over the world. Also believed (?) to be behind the mutder of every famous person in the last decade
Most of todays music stars are showing their membership of the illuminati by the images in their videos
by liveintherealworld December 19, 2013
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Illuminati, the

A "World of Warcraft" guild from Germany.
Officaly declared as a neutral guild, the Illuminati and Bregan Da'Aerthe are linked to each other in a very unoccasionaly way. While both guilds deny their relation, inofficial yources report of a secret military treaty between theese guilds.

Providing Bregan Da'Aerthe with supplies and cover for their operations, the Illuminati can remain neutral by shifting their agressive Operations to Bregan Da'Aerthe
by Moe October 21, 2003
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Ancient brotherhood of bastards thats one wish is to blow the vatican to fucking bits,
oh and they are scientists!!!
I am an illuminatus!
You are not an illuminatus(a members if the illuminati)
by AbydosGater December 21, 2005
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Illuminati from the latin word illuminatus, enlightened. Basicly they were the first atheists who got fed up with the State Church's and had the resources to do something. With lots of strieve, blood shed and power have they rose above many and now control powerful political bodies, who they use to influence the world.

Very little is known about this group, there are some theories, but we're mostly clueless, we are aware of them, but it doesn't affect them, for now.
The illuminati will slap you in the face if you're a gullible or plain simply use you for their... I mean for the greater good of humanity.
by Elixz March 9, 2015
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some people might call us idiots for believing in the "iluminati" but try this : type illuminati backwards followed by .com and guesse where it gets you : to the US gouvernment's national security page .
bitch illuminati .. pss : they killed john lennon
by lepresean January 24, 2013
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An ancient, disbanded organization that people claim to be behind an ongoing conspiracy. What people claim that they are behind today is something that they were actually against back when they existed. Many people believe that the Illuminati is represented by a triangle with an eye in the center, known as the all-seeing eye. Conspiracy theories are sometimes tied to this eye, but their real symbol is actually an owl.
PlayStation 4? Xbox 1? 4-1=3? A triangle is 3 sides. What do the owners of both the companies have? Eyes. Triangle? Eyes? SONY AND MICROSOFT ARE ILLUMINATI!!!!!
by AreialInferno December 12, 2014
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