An insult to either a male or female, usually a female.
by izy September 20, 2004
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Hoebag can be used to describe, not only females but usually short people see smidget
some times the word skillet can be used in the same sentance as "hoebag"
"Josh is such a hoebag!, but he will always be my skillet"
"Josh is a uber homeskillet"
"Joshua tree is a hoebag from Quebec"
by uberhomeskillet April 17, 2007
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1. A term that refers to stupid people, not necessary a whorish girl. If you get mad at your boyfriend you can call him a hoebag.
2. A bag full of hoes(gardening equipment!!)
1. Person a: Dude my sis stole my new purse!
Person b: God, what a hoebag!

2. Person a: Dude I can fit my donkey in this hoebag!
Person b: Wow, totally sweet!
by Shorty Beebop August 31, 2005
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(adj.) another way to call someone stupid because hoes are often quite ditsy. But should only be used this way when you're joking around with you're friends because it's an insult and some people will think that you're calling them a whore when you don't mean it that way.

(some people also use skankbag. It's the same thing)
"You're such a hoebag."
by sillybillybob June 6, 2009
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The act of fucking multiple men and thinking your special for it. In some cases fucking more then one man in just one day.
Sara fucks every man in town and thinks she is "special" but really she is just a big fat hoebag
by Gotchabiotch69 March 26, 2011
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also can be called jake. this person CANNOT be trusted at all. this person is a straight up slut face who has no morals at all. this person will lie, lie, lie. dont believe anything this person says and dont trust them at all. this is a warning
`eww, look at that ugly turtle looking like hoebag over there !
by besttttttt January 24, 2009
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a completely stoopid idiot, aka, a close friend.
desiloo, you are an f***ing hoebag.
by christybob March 16, 2007
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