often confused with Goths. these people do not want to kill them selves. however like Goths are anti townie
usualy hate 'nar' music and can say the letter 'T' in words
by dedbled January 1, 2004
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A word used to describe anyone who listens to "alternative" music. It is also yet another way people have come up with to further segregate people in society. They often see themselves as being superior to “Chavs” in every possible way and are seen by “Chavs” the same way, both of course are wrong. They can be just as rude and obnoxious as everyone else but a lot as shown by pervious definitions show a lot have a hard time coming to terms with this.
There are just as many grebs who are obnoxious elitist morons as they are polite and kind Grebs.
by Super_barry March 18, 2005
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to spit - British (possibly only Scottish) slang.
"Mumtaz, you manky twat, you've fucking grebbed all over my chippie."
by Hieronymos Taverna October 22, 2015
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Around the city of Derby (UK) at least, the phrase "Greb" refers to someone who dresses in a mixture of indie and emo styles, such as a military jacket and high top converse, they listen to a mix of that music, and are also most likely known around the social ecosystem as stoners, and to be quite defensive towards other groups.
The grebs congregated in the city center around the bus station, much to the dismay of the general public
by UngratefulLiving September 4, 2015
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A greb is a person who listens to metal/rock music, more hardcore then emos but not as hardcore as goths.
They do wash and they don't self harm (unless they want to).
They all have similar styles of clothing, but all show they're uniqueness by wearing different Brands and Jewelry, and by having different preferences in music and instruments. They tend not to be friendly with 'Chavs' and are generally more intelligent than them.
They listen to Music that is occasionally hard to understand, but again, only if they want to. They pronounce all letters and are only aggressive if provoked. They make Excellent friends and are actually quite polite. thy are ont the other end of the 'socal scale' to chavs
greb walks past two chavs.
chav 1: Hahahah, look at that dirty gerb with his emo haircut! Greb go get a haircut.
greb ignores chavs and continues to walk.
chav 2: OMG! did you see the way he looked at me?
chav 1 (to greb): you startin?
greb: what?
chav 1: come'on then!
greb: wtf?
chav punches greb.
greb punches chav considerably harder and continues walking.
by Pie4Ever2 February 3, 2009
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Usually a rock music lover. Not as hardcore as a goth. Hmm.. Sometimes having the same style.

See punkygreb.. (Please?)
I am a Greb. I love rock music. Lalalala!
by Punkygreb July 14, 2004
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