When your boyfriend blows his happy gallon of load juice in to your spinal column and then goes to dye his hair black like the ancient Buddhist Warrior, Frothy McDanglejeans.
My bf just totally went frothy on me.

by Pat Humperdink Willy December 4, 2003
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The uncomfortable feel of one's balls on a hot day - think the foam on the top of a cappuccino
Man, I have been walking around all day and now my nuts are frothy.
by cheese wagon August 29, 2006
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The affect that Fat Kidd has on most women’s undergarments. Also known as the Froth Troth.. the art of making a female wet beyond belief.
“Hey, names’ Fat-Kidd” and as I walked in all the panties became Frothy.
by Fkfroth April 16, 2019
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Especially sexual or sexually related. Something that looks like semen. Can also be used to mean aroused or horny, sexy, or as a discription of something like clothes.
Oooh... The way she's dancing is gettin' me really frothy.

His smile made me frothy.

That dress is frothy as hell, girl!
This magazine is frothy... What is this Maxim?
Doesn't Rediwhip kinda look frothy?
by randomnity92 November 14, 2009
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When a dragon decides to bathe, it is customary for them to masturbate aswell. And as most know, a dragon's sperm is deep red, the color of the burning sun of Atlantia IV (where most dragons are born).

The bubbles of that bath are what Frothy is.
by Bubzandronnie June 13, 2008
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Someone (approaching his late 30s quickly) burnt, lacking a straight GF, and smelling of a stuffy basement who also cannot be left alone with playstations or stuffed animals!
He stinks like basement... he's burnt... he's got a pretend bi girlfriend and he's in his mid thirties... he's frothy! Ewww!
by anti_yeah_who_chee_f_it December 5, 2004
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