A theoretical composition of chromosomes reserved for the next level of evolution of our genetic consciousness, and is meant to be on a more spiritual level. This is said to result in power and ability that far surpasses all mankind as we know it, and is a step towards 'perfection'. Our (99.9% of mankind) current genetic makeup contains 44 and 2 chromosomes.
Jesus Christ is said to have had a forty-six & two chromosome composition, hence the term "Christ Consciousness" which is believed to be the result of forty-six & two chromosomes. Of course, the idea of him having such a number of chromosomes and that being the source of his abilities is all theoretical.
by Kamui February 1, 2006
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A girl or woman of short stature who is capable of drinking two forty ounce bottles of beer or malt liquor in one sitting/evening.
"Yo that girl can DRINK!"
"Yeah, she's a Shorty Two Forty"
by FroggyBumBum March 17, 2006
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A dumb way of censoring 420, especially in a public environment. Can also be a replacement for the word weed. Just based off of the hand sides for 4, 2, and 0.
He looks like he got some forty-two okay...
by ImNotAFurryISwear April 11, 2020
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