My rabbit just gave birth to 11 kits, I guess I've got a fluffle now!
by Nogodonlygod April 22, 2021
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to fluffle is to gently rub a person or object up and down in order to show affection.
I decided to fluffle sadiedog as she had been particularly good that day
by ClaureBear September 28, 2007
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Can be used as a verb, adjective, noun etc.

Meaning insensitive, insecure, vain, narcissistic etc.
by thehousedownboots December 20, 2021
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A type of snow that is in a short space of time but there is a large amount of it. Similar to a flurry but it lasts a bit longer.
2. Mike: Have you seen outside?
Liam: No, whats happening?
Mike: ITS FLUFFLING!!!!!!!!
3. Its not a flurry of snow but a fluffle of snow.
by Jimmy_and_billy May 6, 2010
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Another term for when a female's pussy farts.
Man! Brittney let out the loudest fluffle last night during sex.
by K-smooth October 18, 2006
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