a type of girl who is not only beautiful inside and out but kindest and the most forgiving person you will ever meet
P: Hey Flora, will you go out with me?
F: Um..
by izumi101415 July 18, 2017
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A girl name that means "flower". She is fierce, but kind and loves to make people happy. She's a person who loves dogs, and loves flowers, like her name meaning. She is the third eldest, and the third most kindest in their family.
"Wow, is that Flora?" Asked Saria.
"I guess," Said Arla.
"And dang, she is pretty, always pretty," Said Victoria.
"What?" Arla and Saria asked.
by ApplesareTrue11 September 8, 2019
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Such an amazing person, always chilled out but at the same time really funny.has a really cute sense of fashion and is super pretty.is really generous and kinda cheeky. Completely loveable and loyal, you should be so happy if u have a flora all to yourself.
Person 1: if you could choose to only have one person in your life apart from you, who would it be?
Person 2: definataley Flora, I couldn’t live without her!
by Idk_what_to_put_as_my_name... February 3, 2020
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Cannabis plant parts.
A fat bud
Man 1: Did you bring any flora?

Man 2: Yeah, a Benz
by Grainey March 18, 2015
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The word refers to a girl who has an obnoxious personality who adores to prove that she is right. Ironically, the girl has a very disturbing personality and appearance in spite of the name that refers to a flower.
Girl 1: "Hey Flora!"
Flora: *treads on while ignoring Girl 1*
Girl 1, to Girl 2: "Looks like she has the brain and personality of a plant"
by florah8erh888 February 7, 2010
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Girl 1 - "You're a right slag!!"
Girl 2 - "No I'm not - FLORA!!"
by emily laura May 4, 2005
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