adj. Someone who acts a bit gay to get the attention of the opposite sex. Predetory and pre-maditated, one plays on the intrigue of a stranger by flirting a bit camply(if male) to get the female interested then revealing, (much later) that they are not. Female then relieved. Allows outragous flirting from man with little or now risk of slap of turn of back.
Harry is such a Fauxmo; look at him with that girl. She has no idea!
by will h January 13, 2005
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The process of heterosexual people acting homosexual for some reason or another. Potentially as part of a game of gay chicken.
Man 1: I wish I could quit you!
Man 2: You complete me!
Man 3 (gay): Such a flaming display of fauxmosexuality.
Man 1's Girlfriend: lol.
by StealthyMoose April 8, 2011
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Any opposite-sex, cross-gender-identifying person trying to pursue sexual relationships with others, such as a so-called "gay transman" pursuing gay men - #BoxerCeiling or in the case of #LesbiMans pursuing Lesbians - #CottonCeiling.
I got a message on Grindr, but it turns out "he" was a female fauxmosexual, and as a gay man, I am not interested in her "bonus hole" #SuperGay (or, reverse the players for a #SuperLesbian)
by GeekGurl2000 May 27, 2021
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Straight men who act, look, and dress if they're gay, in order to appear cool/attractive/interesting to women.
Called strays 9ie straight gays) in Sex And The City
by jeska September 8, 2003
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A false Fomosexual. Anyone who pretends to suffer from Fear of Missing Out regarding their sex life in order to not cause envy among friends.
Tiffany knew that Heather's complaints about her boyfriend's performance were simply fauxmosexuality. Anyone within a five-apartment radius could hear the truth.
by Monkey's Dad September 25, 2019
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You know it and they know it, and everyone thinks it's fine, but the closet is still a deep, comfortable place.
Mickey the fauxmosexual, divorced with a grown son, still flies to the Big Apple from Elk Horn four times a year to see the Broadway shows, stay at the 14th Street Y and spend long hours “chatting with my favorite bartenders.” Creams over Mariah and Mendelssohn interchangeably.

“Sissy Oliphant has been known to date men,” I told my bestie quizzically, “but she has moved from pad to pad with the same woman since she graduated from Barnard a decade ago and still throws Ellen theme parties; don’t tell me she’s not a fauxmosexual.”
by Hifalutin! February 3, 2022
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An aspiring metrosexual who is just too poor to afford designer clothing or expensive face creams. He has a keen fashion sense but is seen mainly at thrift stores.
Everyone thinks Paul is gay because of his keen fashion sense. What they don't know is that he's straight and he looks for good deals at the Salvation Army for all his clothing.
by Paul de Vries January 2, 2004
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