step 1: don't wash your hair for several days/weeks/years

step 2: dye you hair black and/or red (if your truly emo you could use your own blood)

step 3: get way too much gel and and completely fuck up the back of your head

step 4: arange your fringe so that you can only see out of your left eye (thus halving the ammount of misery you have to see in your stupid emo life)
voilla! you now have emo hair

emo 1: how deep is this cut?
emo 2: don't know, ive got no depth perception
by fred bamburger October 9, 2006
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the reverse mullet. long bangs in the front, short in the back
There goes another emo clone with a reverse mullet...

emo hair
by TheRealTrent October 16, 2008
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emo hair:
can be any color pererable more then one
layers usually
covering an eye mabey half your eye (not always needed)

eye style:
skulls help ALOT trust me
if ur going for easy easy style get a good haircut, lots of skinis, good makup and hoodies or good emo shirts (stripes, black , band t's not to big)
it u want it a lil hard get plugs and or lip rings
if u want more stlyeish side leggins with skirts or the special long shirts but only certain ones alot are preppy *gag* you dont have to wear only black theres also certain pastels u can wear.

emos dont cut themselves that called being depresed emos a stlye, another name for screamo music and a way of life but by that i dont mean cut yourself or be depressed i mean u have to dress emo all the time and u cant be too hyper theres a limit EMO IS NOT CUTTING URSELF THATS depression UR THINGING OF... GOD!

and emo guys r the hottest thing alive <3<3
a: cam: did u see greg he had cuts on his arm he must be emo
brandon: no you freak thats not emo emos a style and a music
cam: oh
b: emo hair
by janette <3 May 14, 2007
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Otherwise known as a scene can usually find people with this cut lurking on Myspace. They typically style their hair with the bangs to the side and covering one eye...often the bangs are dyed abnormal colors as well. They are the same people who take pictures of themselves from the top, or just looking over the shoulder in an attempt at looking dramatic/contemplative/sad/emo. Usually the people who have "emo hair" are scene kids. Kind of like emo wannabees, except they get mad if you say that.
Did you see the picture of that guy on Myspace? He definately has emo hair - it's shaggy and you can't even see his eyes because his bangs are so long.
by Lady Leet April 4, 2006
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Emo Hair is a general indicator of defining one's below average intelligence.

When showing infatuation for this particular type of hair cut, it is possible to give a rough estimate of their below average intelligence, which also attributes to their usage of using short form words such as "ur" and the overuse of the acronym "lol".

Emo Hair is a trend, highly similar to the "big hair" trend of the 1980's, and is only worn by those who are unable to define their own personality and find it necessary to follow others to gain acceptance as their low self confidence forces them into trying to be like who they think that everyone else wants them to look, no matter how ridiculous that it may make them appear.

Often it is copied from and used by "emo" bands who use this hair cut to make themselves seem "trendy" and thus gain mainstream appeal among pre-teens who have fallen victim to the current trend of this hair cut as a means of social acceptance.
"That chicks kind of cute"
"Dude, that's a guy with emo hair"

"lol ur a qt i luv ur hair lol"
*listens to dashboard confessional"
by superflydopeyo November 21, 2008
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A hair style mainly chosen by both males and females of mediocre looks. This hairstyle is mainly chosen to leave more to the imagination in an attempt to appear more attractive than they actually are.
Morons with emo hair are in deep denial.
by Dylan Cider May 9, 2006
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Nasty Hair that looks weird on people. Combed down in front, with a possible spiking in the back. Perhaps colored as well. Please see examples at livingwithstyle's famous "Emo Hair" thread:
Emo hair sucks. See
by RRRRRRRR October 19, 2006
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