a word that covers all electronic devices

Spouse A to Spouse B: Have you muted all your electronicals so we can sleep in peace tonight?

Spouse B to Spouse A: Yes, dear. And have you plugged in your electronicals for recharging?
electronicals, Itouch, PSP, Nintendo DS, cell phone, Blackberry, Iphone, tv remote, laptop, GPS, key fob remote, etc
by Hip Mama June 28, 2010
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Roblox hack, probably a virus but idk its a good hack i didnt download it cause synapse is better get rekt owners
Someone: Woah u have electron! is it a virus
Synapse user: Synapse is still better
Someone else: Woah! Synapse is way cooler then electron!
Electron user: :(
by coolkid68419 March 18, 2021
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electron and orbital r not the same thing! an electron is the negative particle of an atom, although its proven it may behave like an electromagnetic wave. the orbital is just the track it follows when its spinnig around the nucleus of the atom. where did u forget ur chemistry book?
an example for electron? tricky.
by susy March 3, 2004
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Another word for 'cool'. Used mostly by juvenile 10-13 yearold males in their Blink-182-filled desire to create their own language.
"Dude, like totally look at the I-Pod my mum gave me!"

by Alex Quantashassle April 20, 2005
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Please pay $69.99 to see the defenition.
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The use of radio frequency, sonic, laser and other types of devices to remotely inflict a variety of effects on the mind and/or body.
Many today are unknowingly suffering the effects of electronic harassment.
by Artdericko June 28, 2016
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The act of using (pushing keys) a keyboard to create and send e-mail or other types of electronic communications.

The process of competing daily online activities on the computer or other similar electronic device.
"I can't wait for lunch. I have been sitting at my desk pushing electrons all morning."
by Jremy2 July 22, 2009
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