AKA the Ebola hemorrhagic fever.

Possibly the only Virus that can Kill off mankind Makes AIDS look like childsplay

Ebola that can easily wipe out earths population can be spread both by blood and Air it is well known that ebola can easily wipe out almost every countries population but the fact the the virus is quickly contained by Elite WHO Scientists (World Health Organization)and the bodies are burned /cremated Seconds after death greatly slows its process of spreading

it was first reported in 1976

You Bleed from every single orifices including your eyes

Your insides liquify

All Ebola cases are treated by a Special Team of UN scientists and Doctors after after the patient dies samples are taken and sent to special Unknown labs

Ebola outbreaks are usually small and contained immediately the fear of it spreading and the destruction power that virus holds in is unimaginable

CDC labs across US have the virus
It is quite possible that the Ebola virus could be used as a biological weapon

EV is the virus you rarely hear about however there is a total blackout whenever an outbreak occurs
Only God knows how powerful the ebola virus really is

i wouldn't be surprised if Ebola virus could wipe out 600 million people

Ebola Virus makes SARS, and H1N1 (bird flu ) look like bitches

I would rather get Brain Cancer,AIDS,Lung Cancer,HIV,SARS,Bird Flu, Mad Cow disease all combined in ONE, than even suffer a minute of this horrible Virus

''Lord Please that thing away form me'' says a horrified Jim after reading about ebola virus on wikipedia

Ebola virus the sleeping virus what is it's true potential? no one knows
by Please stop it April 25, 2014
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A deadly disease that claims 90% of the lives it infects; Instead of being taken seriously it has become rapidly popular. The excuse for everything is Ebola. Ge your lives together.
"She is in the CDC with ebola.. I will pray for her family."
*Late for school/work*
*Walks in and coughs*
*Everybody* "EBOLA!!"
Employer/teacher "Why were you late?"
"Ebola.. That's why."
by Sissa83101 December 26, 2014
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A sketch on In Living Color used this word to replace bomb, because
1. Bomb was being overused by white people.
2. Ebola, like bomb, is analogous to mass destruction.
.....It's the ebola!
by Bombman January 27, 2005
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Something u must have to no da wae
Do u no da wae?
Yes I no da wae!I have ebola!

I must find the kween!
by Omg_u_Ok_gyal February 4, 2018
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Derogatory word for a woman who sleeps with a lot of men, especially Africans. Implies that the woman spreads her legs faster than the spread of a highly contagious virus and that she's likely diseased.
"Yo dawg you see that fine pair of titties outside the liquor store?"

"Nah homie you don't want none of that. She's ebola."
by k.chisel September 17, 2014
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Another word for cool,smooth,nice,dope,etc.
Man dat shit was ebola
by thatguynik April 24, 2006
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Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with a strain of Ebola virus. The 2014 Ebola epidemic is the largest in history, affecting multiple countries in West Africa. The risk of an Ebola outbreak affecting multiple people in the U.S. is very low.
Ebola is spread through direct contact with blood and body fluids of a person infected by and already showing symptoms of Ebola. Ebola is not spread through the air, water, food, or mosquitoes.
Ebola is a deadly virus, you get it by direct contact.
by Sly2001 November 12, 2014
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