The short abbreviation for the popular mobile game with name of "Clash Of Clans"
Some people on Discord will have their server nickname as "coc enjoyer" People who have this nickname on Discord tend to play a lot of clash of clans.
by coc enjoyer March 27, 2023
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Connoisseurs of Cannabis.

COC is a baller group in Vegas that know the ins and outs of the use and assortments of marijuana (weed).

**Qualifications include: knowledge of how to hit a pipe, bubbler, blunt, water bong, steamroller... or whatever the pothead might be using to smoke out of, the different types of weed, prices, quality, hookups, & how to use your "high" to benefit you.


**Members smoke weed everyday.
"COC" is one who can recognize when they are receiving a good offer, and are going to get high, because they can tell the quality of the marijuana before even smoking it.
by Infiniti / Steph August 17, 2009
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Fed up with the same ol' LoL abbreviation, CoC is a functional reuse of the same.

Clamorously Obviously Cackling
Text: I'm about to go get drunk and take home some floozy!

Reply Cool, I'll take your wife out, CoC!
by Driftwood Lizard November 5, 2011
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Cum on Command (CoC): Being able to instantly ejaculate a plethora of semen on any person, object or thing on command and usually under significant duress.
Ron: Ok...ok...Action!

Jenna: Ohhhh....ohhhh....fuck me! Yes, fuck me!!!

James: Oh yeah baby! The goods are coming! Where do you want it?!

Jenna: On my tits!!!

Ron: Fuck yes! Now you’re earning your money you dirty fucks! Yes! Give it to her Jimmy!

Jenna: Oh, Oh, Oh! Oh! Oh! Yes! Yes!!....uhhhhh....where’s the cum?....where...the the cum James! You said you ate oranges to give it flavor!!! Now where the fuck is it!!!

Ron: Ah shit! Fuck! Cut!!!!

James: isn’t ready yet...

Ron: What the hell you twig and berries pixie fuck! Where’s my actresses cum, you German sauerkraut fuck stick?!

James: Fuck Ron! You know I can’t “CoC”. I never got my Master of Adult Film Science. I don’t know how to cum on command.

Ron: Your fired! Come here baby, ol’ Ronny is gonna fill this cake with cream the old fashion way! I got my associates in “CoC” at the School of Hard Dicks!
by The Good Dude Giveth August 30, 2019
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Abbreviation of 'Cup of Coffee' commonly used for ease of speech and hours of predictable innuendo.
'Fancy a coc?'
'I had a a coc before, it was really big but I've had better at Starbucks'
by Roochie Shelley November 27, 2006
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,d88' d8 "8..a8"88 ,8I"88 I88' d88 IaI" d8

a88' dP "bm8mP8'(8'.8I 8 d88' `" .88

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88' I8, .d' 8, ,88B ,d8 aI (88',88"8) d8 "8. 88 ,8I"88
88 `888P' `8888" "88P"8m" I88 88 8 dP "bm8m88.8I 8
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"888888PP"' `8""""""8 "888PP' `888P' `88P"88P"8m" oops this shit is a ascii art

if ur here you have herpes now sussy balls
COc is fat and big and black
by EDP4040450 February 1, 2022
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Cum on Cock. Use as you would LOL, STFU, WTF, etc... Used for those desperate times when things are getting messy and words are just too much.
A: Hey, check out this hawt pic of Heidi Klum.

by Al_Q August 13, 2006
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