by dick fitznisenteit February 9, 2009
Hey Steve, how was your weekend? "It was great, me and my buddy went clubbin' baby seals on Friday night, then we went golfing Saturday morning."
by OpulentCorpse September 17, 2009
A phrase to use when your significant other is being extremely annoying, a bitch, or bugging on the daily. It's great for any situation in which your significant other's actions are sub par to how you'd want to be treated. It's all about empowerment and making the user of the phrase feel strong and that they have the power to tear up some serious shit at the club.
Daquan: "Bro, my girl has been nagging me none stop lately."
Jim: "I'm sorry, man. That sucks."
Daquan: "It's cool. If she buggin', I'm clubbin'."
Jim: "I'm sorry, man. That sucks."
Daquan: "It's cool. If she buggin', I'm clubbin'."
by Coobieboobie January 18, 2018
When you get to a dance club and you grind on a man then spray crystal champagne on his ass. This is usually a homosexual activity.
by xxCoolcoddaxx November 26, 2013
jacking off or pleasuring yourself while talking on voice with a girl without her knowledge or consent
by Ettie Follet April 30, 2016